So yesterday, my host family took me to a soy sauce factory. It was about an hour away, but in a different direction than we'd ever gone before, so I got to see lots of new things on the way there.

These are edamame plants. They were just outside the factory parking lot for no reason.
These are edamame plants. They were just outside the factory parking lot for no reason.
Here's the soy sauce being made. I'm not sure exactly how because the tour was just a bit hard to understand, but I did get that it sits in these for a whole year. This was taken from the restaurant on the top floor.
And so was this. GUESS WHAT FLAVOR IT IS. DID YOU SAY "SOY SAUCE"? YOU'RE RIGHT. It was really good, and cold enough that it was foggy.
Here's the view from the top floor. Not much, but I like it. The whole area smelled like soy sauce, too.
On the way back we stopped at my host family's garden to pick tomatoes. Look at them! I helped even though I'm not going to eat any.
One of my host family's friends had picked some potatoes, so we ate a few as we waited for my host dad to get back from the store. I like my host family's friends.
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