Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Today my host family took me to Naritasan, which is a temple that we saw on our Kawagoe tour but didn't go in.  This time I got to go in.

Look, there are LOTS of turtles for some reason.

And this one just could NOT get up on the edge there.

Look at all the toys.  This is actually kind of creepy because it involves appeasing dead babies, but look at all the toys!

Here is the outside of the temples.  Pictures are not allowed inside, so there are none.

This was lunch.  We ate at a cheap restaurant that was both good and looked like a fancy, snobby, high-end Japanese restaurant would in Atlanta, except this was all about $8.  The top right of the tray (not the picture) is fried oysters!

This person REALLY likes Ayumi Hamasaki.

This shopping center looked exactly like one would in America, except the stores were all Japanese.  It is also worth pointing out that in Japan, the background music at the supermarket or on the elevator is actually not bad.  Whoever does it over here actually tries pretty hard to make things that aren't grating on your ears.  I actually would not mind a CD of whatever was playing at Daiso today.

The book store had a magazine about Korean stuff, but the magazine has labeled Sulli and Victoria as each other.  You would think they'd be a little better with that kind of thing.

After the shopping center, we went to my host mom's pottery teacher's house just because.  This is his driveway/yard.

Here is the little field that the pottery man lets my host family keep in his hard.  It's got more than this, but this is the only section that had sprouted already.



Shiitake mushrooms are apparently farmed by setting up some logs and then waiting.  There was a whole pile of them.

Here's the inside of the pottery man's pottery barn.  These things are for sale and he is apparently some sort of famous with pottery people.

And also this was next door.

I ate way too much today, so I am going to sleep soon.  I'm very, very tired.  Tomorrow is just another school day, so nothing too exciting will happen, probably.

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