Friday, June 29, 2012

Ice Cream Buddies

Today was actually a little fun, as our first classes turned into computer time.  We were supposed to be practicing for the speech thing tomorrow, but seeing as how memorizing your speech is not necessary as long as you don't just stare at the paper, I'm not too worried about it.

At lunch, Alex (left) and Lars (right) did this with their hair.  It was a big hit and I laughed.

This picture was taken because Misaki (right) is always feeling good, and Kayo (left) is always feeling tired.  This is remarkable because Misaki is the one in that group that everyone makes fun of.  It's not that they don't like her; she's just kind of a weenie.
Kayo is always tired because she commutes two hours to and from school every day.  She lives in an entirely different prefecture.

Misaki and Kayo decided to go get some ice cream because they're Japanese girls and it was hot today.  I was invited along, and we took an Ice Cream Buddies picture.  I forgot what kind everyone got.

And then for some reason Kayo put on glasses for all of five seconds.


HERE'S ANOTHER.  They don't want to be friends over here and are just content playing alone.  Some day I'll make a cat friend here.  Tomorrow is this speech-giving thing everyone has to do, so I'll let you all know how that goes.

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