Today was pretty normal. Went to class, sat around, talked with friends, etc.
Wait.... what's going on here?

Misaki, what are you doing? Wh-
Wait.... what's going on here?
Misaki, what are you doing? Wh-
Wait, Kayo is doing it too? WHAT IS THIS?
I tried to do it too, but my face isn't shaped right. It's impossible.
My host family was chosen as the family to show to a representative from a university in California, so that person apparently came by and did a tour while I was still at school. Since Matt and Mr. Arai came with her, and when you visit someone's house in Japan you bring a gift, we got these neat Tokyo International University rice crackers. I have yet to try them, but tomorrow I'll bring one for lunch and see how they are.
So between lunch and the above Funny Face Time, I went to Kawagoe with Danny because he needed to buy a new mouse and I was bored. While there, he pointed me in the direction of the game on the right, called 蚊 (Ka, "Mosquito"). In America it's called Mr. Mosquito, and you play as a mosquito that needs to collect blood from the residents of a particular Japanese house to save for winter. It's weirder than it sounds. I've actually known about this game since it came out many, many years ago, but have never been able to find it until I got over here. I'm really excited to try it when I get home.
To the left is another Kalafina album. One more and I'll have them all.
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